Monday, October 30, 2006

MotoGP - Nicky Hayden - The Kentucky Kid

Wow. Just Wow.
BBC Motorbike's Commentator Steve Parish sums it well:

"On a bike, the knife edge is very sharp, the penalty is greater than the crime."

"Whatever it was down to, you can't take away that the combination of Hayden, his crew and Repsol Honda won the championship - the history books will say that.
Ifs and buts don't count - Hayden is the champion."

Friday, October 27, 2006

Proof of Intelligent Design - Or Convergant Evolution?

Man, I've been saying it everytime I see that old pic of Lee Raymond...

And it's one thing to compare their fat asses...

It's completely different if you know 'em, I mean, they're like, TOtally different creatures.

At leat Jabba's got principles - so don't be diss'n The Hutt like that.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Price is Right

Hey Iran, C'mon down! Yer the next lucky contestant to be 'Democratized'.

Been musing and muttering, to myself as usual, what the "Oktoberfest" surprise might be. Foley, aka "Bootygate" ain't it. As oil prices sludge back to a more 'managable' $55-60/bbl, and everyone gets cozy 'round the fire/gas forced air heater or hot-tub, as is the preference around the skunqshack (Hey man, soak 'em if ya got 'em) it's been occuring to some that such 'managability' ie comfying of America, is the very cusion needed to help the US accept a war with Iran. A nice fluffy pillow of cheap gas to keep our collective butts from whining, so while hell on earth breaks loose in the Mid East, we can all just kick back in our SUVs, safe again in the knowledge that it won't hurt the pocket book so bad.

eesh. I hate being so cynical but it makes a bit of sense to my mind.

So while all things being equal - I don't believe the slide in prices was anything but market forces/production at work - the oppurtune oppurtunity to fire up the war machine for another big dig into the quagmire is just months, or weeks away - veritabley dangling in front of the war pigz noses. Perhaps October will be filled with nothing but the lovely distractions of Gnarly Old Pederasts chasing illicit young tail, and other GOP induced culture war distractions. But there are many reasons to believe another "Winter of the Long Hot Summer" is comin down the pike.
Strike, while the iron's hot - gas is cheap, and America comfortabley turns another blind eye to the "Perpetual War on Everything"

So N. Korea is prolly going down as the Oktoberfestival of Spooky Monsters to scare Mr. and Mrs. J Q Wonderbread back into scared supine dupes. Kimmy Jong farts, and everybody jumps out the windows. It sure wasn't an SBD WMD. What's that old saying?
"Who smelt it, dealt it... "

Monday, October 09, 2006

sPin the Blame

On the Donkey? I don't think so..

As the poo flys around and around, and everyone keeps trying to pin the blame on everybody else, pinning it the booze, the clergy, on Dems, pinning it on Clinton, pin some on Hollywood, and Gerry Studs (if you have to go back 23 years to find the last pederast yer more fuckin desperate than Foley stuck at a Girl Scout Jamboree).. just keep flinging the poo hoping something sticks. But then it suddenly becomes clear where to pin this pile-o-superfluous superfluid fecal frappe. Not just Foley himself, but the people who knew exactly what his motivations were and covered it up, his buddies, the people in charge of their own.

The party of personal responsibility, the RINOs, love to pass the buck. This is a Republican government from stem to stern, to the ragged sails on the splintered masts. Five years all ya'll have had to 'Getter Dunn!' and get your ship together. Five years of complete control over all branches of government. Five years - and now, just like clockwork, it all comes crashing down because some fool couldn't keep his mind off his Monkey. How.. Deja fuckin Vu.

It's never the crime, always the coverup. And then it's business as usual.