Monday, October 09, 2006

sPin the Blame

On the Donkey? I don't think so..

As the poo flys around and around, and everyone keeps trying to pin the blame on everybody else, pinning it the booze, the clergy, on Dems, pinning it on Clinton, pin some on Hollywood, and Gerry Studs (if you have to go back 23 years to find the last pederast yer more fuckin desperate than Foley stuck at a Girl Scout Jamboree).. just keep flinging the poo hoping something sticks. But then it suddenly becomes clear where to pin this pile-o-superfluous superfluid fecal frappe. Not just Foley himself, but the people who knew exactly what his motivations were and covered it up, his buddies, the people in charge of their own.

The party of personal responsibility, the RINOs, love to pass the buck. This is a Republican government from stem to stern, to the ragged sails on the splintered masts. Five years all ya'll have had to 'Getter Dunn!' and get your ship together. Five years of complete control over all branches of government. Five years - and now, just like clockwork, it all comes crashing down because some fool couldn't keep his mind off his Monkey. How.. Deja fuckin Vu.

It's never the crime, always the coverup. And then it's business as usual.


Blogger Mr. Natural said...

GREAT PIC MAN! I got here thru the comments at Drifty's place...

Blogger skunqesh said...

Danka vell!

DG is truly a one of a kind - hands down. He always seems to cut it with laser-like precision. How one keeps up that kind of energy is astounding!

Me - I'm just a polecat that sneaks by the sandbox every now and then, leaves little snarky turds but little else. But then, somebody's gotta stock the peanut gallery ;-)


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